Preventive Screening
Identifying health issues early can prevent serious illness and help save you money. This benefit, worth more than $300, allows you to receive a biometric screening at no cost. The screening includes a health risk appraisal, blood pressure screening, height and weight measurements, and blood work and lipid panels. Have your adult well visit after your preventive screening and share your results with your network provider to eliminate the need for retesting at a well visit. Sharing your results will minimize the cost of your annual well visit.
This screening is offered at no cost to employees, retirees, spouses, dependent children ages 19 and older, and COBRA subscribers whose primary coverage is the State Health Plan or MUSC Health Plan. There are three ways to take advantage of this benefit:
Attend a preventive worksite screening. Contact your benefits office for more information about scheduled screenings. Any worksite with at least 20 participants can host a screening. If your worksite doesn’t meet that rule, ask your benefits office to consider hosting a joint screening with another worksite. To schedule a worksite screening, submit a preventive worksite screening request.
Attend a regional preventive screening. If your worksite doesn’t offer a screening, or it you missed it, you can register for a regional screening. Find a screening near you.
Visit a participating screening provider. Visit one of our participating screening providers. While it’s not required, you can print this voucher and take it when you visit for a screening.
No matter how you take advantage of this benefit, you will receive a confidential report, which will include required tests and appraisals. Some screening providers may provide more results above the minimum requirements. Participating screening providers may also offer optional tests for an extra fee. You may contact the screening provider about out-of-pocket expenses associated with these tests. Please note, optional tests vary based on screening provider.
Preventive Screening Resources:
After your screening: Now what?
You might have questions about your screening results and what they mean. Here's some information that could help. Be sure to talk to your health care provider for details and directions.
Health Coaching
Concerned about a chronic health problem? Having your own personal health coach could help you get on track with your health. Check out our Health Coaching page for details. Or call the health coaching team at 855.838.5897.
Discover more ways to improve your health with Personify Health. As a State Health Plan primary member, you have a membership to Personify, at no cost to you. Learn how to sign up for Personify.
Personify Health is an independent company that offers a digital health platform on behalf of the State Health Plan.